Friday, May 9, 2008

Bridal shower baking fun!

This post is purely personal, but there are pictures involved. I think it qualifies for the blog.

My church bridal shower is tomorrow. Anna is baking (and will be into the night). Fortunately, since I'm the bride, I just get to watch...and dance a little. We started off the baking with a hoe-down in the kitchen. After the dog's food went flying all over the floor, the square dancing had to end. Finally, when my mom and sister started doing the soldia boy dance, I remembered to get out the camera. My new Canon Powershot a470 (my birthday present from my parents - tomorrow is not only my bridal shower, but also my birthday!) takes video. Make sure to scroll all the way to the bottom to see Anna "Walk this Way". You'll be sorry if you miss it! You get dessert and a show around here!

Ok, I did pitch in a little by peeling 72 Rolos for Anna (This fine outfit is part of my "at home for the evening" collection. Coming to a Goodwill near you soon.)

Multi-tasking - blogging and peeling (and maybe a little eating)

Something about a point and shoot begs for several self-portraits!

Anna chopping chocolate with her dance face.

My shower is called "An afternoon of desserts". Laura and Katie are also baking up some delightful treats! Based on what I see in our kitchen, I think we'll be having a "month of leftover desserts".

My mom was really telling Anna how to spread the dough, but it looks like she's doing some magic.

Anna's happy to be baking for the bridal shower of her favorite sister.

Then she showed me how she really felt.

I just popped in for a picture. It's nice to be the bride!

Video Disclaimer: Our kitchen does not normally look like this. Anna's in the middle of making enough desserts to feed a small army. My mom keeps the house very clean...Anna, not so much.

"Walk this Way"

1 comment:

  1. Your sister is a trip. If I had a sister and had I posted that for everyone to see, well at the least, I would be wheeled down the isle to meet my groom!!!
